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Engaging Communication, Transforming Organizations: Scholarship of Engagement in Action

Engaging Communication, Transforming Organizations: Scholarship of Engagement in ActionQuantity in Basket:none
Code: 1-57273-619-4

Title: Engaging Communication, Transforming Organizations
Sub-title: Scholarship of Engagement in Action
Author(s): Jennifer Simpson, Pamela Shockley-Zalabak
Editor(s): Univ of Colorado-Boulder
Publish Date: Summer 2005
Pages: 272
Format: Paper
This book takes up many of today’s critical organizational questions and explores how the discipline of communication can contribute in meaningful ways to producing more vibrant and responsive workplaces and how, in turn, the engagement of communication scholars and practitioners in organizational contexts can enrich and deepen theory and scholarship. This collection will be stimulating and thought-provoking to communication scholars and practitioners and an important classroom addition at both the senior seminar and graduate level in organizational communication courses that take seriously the role of theory in engaging practice. Beyond disciplinary relevance, however, this work promises to engage organizational leadership in thinking critically about the role that communication theory and practice can play in informing and transforming organizational practice. Finally this book speaks in important ways to higher education itself as it tackles the important question of what it might look like when a discipline takes up the call of engaged scholarship.

Contents: The Widening Gyre, Pamela Shockley-Zalabak. Bridging Theory and Practice in Organizational Communication, David R. Seibold. Engaging Networks of Practice through a Communicative Theory of the Firm, Tim Kuhn. Communication Center Change (C3): Engaging the Public Organization, Patricia Riley. Engaging Theory and Practice: Researching High-Tech Cultural Change in the Public Sector, Jeanne McPherson and Stanley Deetz. She’s come undone—Engaging Scholarship and Viral Research, Kirsten J. Broadfoot. Creating Clearings for Communication, Eric Eisenberg. A Meaning-Centered Approach to Consulting: Contributing as an Engaged Communication Scholar, Robert Krizek. Engaging Difference Matters in the Classroom, Jennifer Lyn Simpson and Brenda J. Allen. Issue-Based Learning: Using Practice to Inform and Enrich our Teaching, Paaige Turner. Contributions of Engaged Scholarship to the Academic Community, Sue DeWine. Transforming Engagement, Cynthia Stohl. Revealing the Wizard Behind the Curtain: The Conversation Continues, Deborah L. Flick, Renee Houston, and Diane M. Martin. Engaging Communication: Politically Responsive Theory in Action, Jennifer Lyn Simpson. Author Index. Subject Index.

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