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On the Highway of Mass Communication Studies by Veikko Pietila

On the Highway of Mass Communication Studies by Veikko PietilaQuantity in Basket:none
Code: 1-57273-527-9

This is an historical overview of theory and research in the field of mass communication studies. It is an account of the scholarly discourses that have been concerned with mass communication within a period that extends from the early days of the press in the 17th century to the Internet and other advanced communication technologies. The discourses are described in regard to their essential points, and they are contextualized in the social and intellectual settings of their times. The book can serve as a text, outlining the history of mass communication to provide the reader with a meaningful entry into this field.

Contents: Rustling Leaves of History: Perspectives on the Field’s Past. PART ONE: SCATTERED OPENINGS FROM THE LATE 17TH CENTURY TO THE 1930S. Prehistory of the Field: Early Perspectives on the Press. The German Newspaper Science. Communication in Social Life: John Dewey and Robert E. Park. The “Realist” Critique of Democracy: Walter Lippmann and Harold D. Lasswell. The Impact of the Movies: The Payne Fund Project. PART TWO: CONSOLIDATION FROM THE 1930s TO THE 1960s. The Classical Behavioral Mass Communication Research. Uses-and-Gratifications Approach and Functionalism. The Frankfurt School and its Theory of Cultural Industry. Technologies of Communication: Harold A. Innis and Marshall McLuhan. PART THREE: MULTIPLICATION FROM THE 1960s ONWARD. “Return to the Powerful Media”: The Renewal Of Effects Research in the 1970s. Information-Processing Theory. Cultural Indicators: George Gerbner. Mass Media as the Prop of the System: Marxism. American Interpretive Cultural Approach. Cultural Studies in Practice. Feminist Views of Language and Mass Communication. Communication from the Postmodern Point of View. Changing Media Scene: New Challenges to Communication Studies. From Incoherence to Multiplicity. References. Author Index. Subject Index.

Year: Summer 2005 Pages: 416

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