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Terrorism: Communication and Rhetorical Perspectives (O'Hair, Heath, Ayotte, Ledlow)

Terrorism: Communication and Rhetorical Perspectives (O'Hair, Heath, Ayotte, Ledlow)Quantity in Basket:none
Code: 1572737341

Title: Terrorism
Sub-title: Communication and Rhetorical Perspectives
Author(s): Dan O'Hair, Robert Heath, Kevin Ayotte and Gerald Ledlow
Publish Date: April 2008
Pages: 508
Format: Paper
This volume offers the best available thinking and analysis on the topic of the rhetoric and communication of terrorism. each of the chapters isolates a particular issue or concern and exposes the difficult choices and subsequent processes facing participants in the management of terrorism. By wrapping the analysis in a web of communication and rhetorical processes and theroies, the authors develop unique perspectives from which to characterize these contexts. This volume is intended for multiple audiences, including those interested not only in the specific topic but in risk communication, crisis managemnt, policy management and political sicence.

RHETORICAL CHALLENGES AND COMMUNICATION PERSPECTIVES ON TERRORISMThe coomunication and Rhetoric of Terrorism, Dan O'Hair, Robert Heath, Kevin Ayotte and Gerald Ledlow. Terrorism: From the eyes of the Beholder, Robert Heath and Dan O'Hair. The Complexity of Terrorism: Semiotics, Groups, and the Media, Claude Miller, Jonathan Matusitz, Dan O'Hair and jacqueline Eckstein. Terrorism, Language and Community Dialog, Kevin Ayotte and Scott Moore. Communication and the Causes and costs of Terrorism: A Terror Management Theory Perspective, Claude Miller and Mark Landau. A WORLD AT ODDS OVER TERRORISM Rhetorical Control Rooms: Postmodern, Postructural, and Postcolonial Worlds, David Mckie and debashish Munshi. Terrorism and Failed Legitimacy: Exploring the Links, Juliet Roper. Creator's Nightmare, Phillip wander and Wenshu Lee. Recalling the History of Terrorism in Contemporary Presidential Discourse, Carol Winkler. Flying While Arab: The Clash of Civilization and the Rhetoric of racial Profiling, Dana Cloud. CONTEXT AND PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATORS. Reducing School Violence and Terrorism through Personalized, Authentic Learning Environments, Mary John O'Hair and Randy Averso. Preachers, Terrorism and War: Rhetorical Analysis of Sermons Responding to 9-11, Mark Gring. Mirror in a War Agenda: Conservatinve Christian Activists and Media Coverage of the War in Iraq, michael Ryan and Lee Switzer. Frames of Terrorism Provided by the News Media and Potential Communication Responses, Shannon Bowen. Young Adults' Media Use, Emotional Reactions, and Judgements about Terrorism: Their effects on Political Socialization in the Post-9/11 world, Edward Horoqitz and Johan Wanstrom. the internet and Terrorist Networks, Jonathan Matusitz and Dan O'Hair. CRISIS AND CONFIDENCE IN A LESS BRAVE NEW WORLD Terrorism as Chaos: A Chaos Model for Managing Random Acts of Terror, Timothy Sellnow, Robert Ulmer and Matthew Seeger. Responding to Terrorism: Communication, Crisis Management and the CAUSE Model, Gary Kreps, Katheryn Rowan, Carol Botan and Lisa Sparks. Shifting Paradigms and New Directions for Managing Terrorism, Kevin Ayotte, Gerald Ledlow, Robert Heath and Dan O'Hair

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