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Towards Equity in Global Communication? Second Edition

Towards Equity in Global Communication? Second EditionQuantity in Basket:none
Code: 978-1-61289-150-7

Title: Towards Equity in Global Communication?
Sub-title: Second Edition
Editor(s): Richard C. Vincent and Kaarle Nordenstreng
Publish Date: December 2015
Pages: 342
Format: Cloth
This is a book about global communication and equity. It comes as the world of media and communication has drastically changed. The fundamental issues and structures behind digital communication remain basically the same as they have been over the past 50 years. Also the communication problems and policy questions raised since the 1970s at the United Nations have not lost their overall relevance, while new perspectives emerged in moving from the New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO) to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).

The main issue of the media world is to which extent the resources for communication—both material and mental—are distributed in a fair and equal way between nations and people. New technologies have brought along many new possibilities, but their potential has far from materialized due to social and economic structures. While “imbalance” as the overall theme since the 1970s has been replaced by “digital divide” in the 2010s, the fundamental question is still equity.

The book begins by offering a broad overview of communication by two eminent scholars. Johan Galtung’s presentation of the triangle State-Capital-Civil Society is a classic in the study of media and society. Majid Tehranian’s examination of communication and democracy suggests an exceptionally powerful historical and visionary perspective.

The rest of the chapters are either updated from the first edition or new chapters that provide up-to-the-moment appraisals of some of the most important socioeconomic and political issues that affect the world of communication currently.

The Appendix provides a complete record of the eleven MacBride Round Tables that were held between 1989 and 1999, a strategic move to carry on the idea of the NWICO in the ecumenical spirit of democratization of communication as advocated by the MacBride Report, Many Voices, One World (1980).

This book is meant for the students and scholars of international commuication and development, political economy, and international relations. It is also a resource for members of governments and NGOs, as well as advocates of human rights and grassroots communication.

Contents: Preface to the First Edition. Preface to the Second Edition. PART I: GLOBAL VISIONS. State, Capital and the Civil Society: a Problem of Communication, Johan Galtung. Where is the New World Order? At the End of History Or a Clash of Civilizations, Majid Tehranian. PART II: MacBRIDE MOVEMENT. Great Media Debate, Kaarle Nordenstreng. Rehabilitation of the MacBride Commission: 25 Years Later, Mustafa Masmoudi. PART III: PROSPECTIVES AND PERSPECTIVES. Media as Public Arena: Reconceptualizing the Role of Media for a Post-Cold War and Postmodern World, Dennis K. Davis. Emancipation From Modernization: Development Journalism and New Social Movements, Hemant Shah. 200 Years of Negotiation on Cross-border Communications: From Intergovernmental Treaties to the Multistakeholder Model for the Governance of the Internet, Wolfgang Kleinwächter. PART IV: MacBRIDE LEGACY. Thirty Something: The MacBride Report and Its Place in Global Media Governance, Katharine Sarikakis. Network Neutrality, Public and Private Internets, and Power in the Post-MacBride Era, Robin Mansell. Justice and Communication: Looking Beyond WSIS, Richard C. Vincent. About the Authors. Appendix. Author Index. Subject Index.

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