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Coping Together, Side by Side: Enriching Mother-Daughter Communication Across the Breast Cancer Jour

Coping Together, Side by Side: Enriching Mother-Daughter Communication Across the Breast Cancer JourQuantity in Basket:none
Code: 978-1-61289-141-5

Title: Coping Together, Side by Side
Sub-title: Enriching Mother-Daughter Communication Across the Breast Cancer Journey
Author(s): Carla L. Fisher
Publish Date: May 2014
Pages: 294
Format: Paper
Using a life-span, developmental theoretical lens to guide her mixed-method interdisciplinary research, Fisher offers the first research-based portrayal of breast cancer as a mother-daughter experience, weaving a tapestry of narratives to tell their story, bringing the mother-daughter voice to the forefront of breast cancer. Using authentic lived accounts captured through a mix of survey, interview, and diary methods, she illustrates healthy and unhealthy mother-daughter communication across the disease course to help ease their navigation of cancer. She takes into account important factors such as openness and emotional support, human development, intergenerational dynamics, and stressors. Fisher’s research advances health behavior theory and research by drawing connections between family communication and health outcomes, and, at the same time, offers insight on the mother-daughter connection, the intersection of family interaction and health, the psychosocial side of oncology, mixed-method research, and how research can be translated to interventions and resources to enhance care.

Written to appeal to a wide audience of clinicians, researchers, students, and families, Fisher’s research may serve to humanize breast cancer as a family-centered experience, provide insight on theoretically grounded and translational mixed-method research, and offer women vivid stories of mother-daughter communication that they can utilize to enrich their own shred breast cancer journey.

Contents: Foreword, Jon F. Nussbaum. Introduction. PART I: MOTHERS, DAUGHTERS, AND BREAST CANCER. Linked Lives: The Story of Mothers and Daughters Across the Life Span. Breast Cancer: A Shared Mother-Daughter Turning Point. PART II: THE HEALING POTENTIAL OF MOTHER-DAUGHTER COMMUNICATION WHEN COPING WITH BREAST CANCER ACROSS THE LIFE SPAN. A Biopsychosocial Perspective: Connecting Family Communication, Health, and Adaptation. Theoretical Approaches to Family Coping and Stress: Integrating a Psychosocial Life-Span Lens. Coping With Cancer: Openness, Avoidance, and Emotional Support. PART III: OVERVIEW OF FOUNDATIONAL STUDY. Building Theory and Capturing Coping Narratives for Intervention-Making. Mixing Methods and Paradigms. PART IV: THE CENTRALITY OF FAMILY COMMUNICATION TO WELLNESS AFTER A CANCER DIAGNOSIS. The Importance of Family Communication to Breast Cancer Coping. PART V: SECRECY AND SHARING AMONG MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS: EXPLORING OPENNESS AND AVOIDANCE. Diagnosed in Young Adulthood: Daughter-Mother Dyads. Daughters and Mothers Diagnosed in Midlife. Diagnosed in Later Life: Mother-Daughter Dyads. PART VI: COPING SIDE BY SIDE: ADAPTIVE AND MALADAPTIVE EMOTIONAL SUPPORT. Coping in Young Adulthood: Daughter-Mother Dyads. Daughters and Mothers Coping in Midlife. Coping in Later Life: Mother-Daughter Dyads. PART VII: JOURNALING MOTHER-DAUGHTER COMMUNICATION DURING TREATMENT: TRIANGULATING FINDINGS. A Portrayal of Coping During Young Adulthood as a Daughter. A Portrayal of Coping During Midlife as a Daughter. A Portrayal of Coping During Midlife as a Mother. A Portrayal of Coping During Later Life as a Mother. PART VIII: ENHANCING MOTHERS’ AND DAUGHTERS’ “PSYCHOSOCIAL MAP” OF BREAST CANCER. Extensions and Practical Implications of the Foundational Study. Translating Research to Practice. About the Author. References. Author Index. Subject Index.

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