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Writing in Context: Composition in First-Year Learning Communities

Writing in Context: Composition in First-Year Learning CommunitiesQuantity in Basket:none
Code: 978-1-61289-123-1

Title: Writing in Context
Sub-title: Composition in First-Year Learning Communities
Author(s): Paul Walker
Publish Date: July 2013
Pages: 212
Format: Paper
In this book, the author explores the teaching of writing within first-year learning communities through a dynamic discussion of learning community history, post-process writing theory, and the central tenet that context matters for effective writing instruction.

Illustrating the importance of contextuality in the teaching of writing, a detailed examination of a learning community program at a large state university if provided. In a series of surveys, interviews, and document sharing, student and faculty participants explain how writing instruction operates within and against structural collaboration and integration. The perspectives of the participants highlight the complexities, constraints, and dilemmas that both guide and impede the benefits of the learning community experience, and lead to recommendations for the development or improvement of writing instruction in learning communities and elsewhere.

Most importantly, the book confirms the positive elements of teaching writing in learning community programs while reminding scholars, teachers, and administrators of the necessity of difficult interdisciplinary work—especially how the best ideas and institutions result for a situated and contextual negotiation of disparate perspectives.

Contents: Preface: Dinner Party. INTRODUCTION. Why Context? Overview of the Book. LEARNING COMMUNITY THEORY AND HISTORY. Defining Learning Communities. Learning Community Beginnings: Promulgating Democratic Citizens. Specialization and the Learning Community Response. Issues for Writing in Learning Communities. Writing in Learning Communities. SITUATED LEARNING INSTRUCTION IN LEARNING COMMUNITIES. Learning Communities as Activity Systems. Visions for Modifying the GWSI Course. “Post-Process” Perspectives on Composition. FRAMEWORK OF ANALYSIS FOR WRITING IN LEARNING COMMUNITIES. Research Philosophy. Framework of Analysis. ARTICULATION OF COMPOSITION AND LEARNING COMMUNITIES. General Studies Requirements and Learning Community Logistics. Composition Curriculum and the Learning Community Model. Participant Perceptions of the Institutional Context of Composition. Composition in Learning Communities. Context and Clarity in Learning Communities. COMPOSITION AND INTERDISCIPLINARITY. General Interdisciplinarity in Western State’s Learning Communities. Disciplinary Expectations for Integrating Writing in Learning Communities. Composition as Support or Service Course. Contrary Expectations and Interests. DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF WRITING ASSIGNMENTS. Writing Assignments in Learning Communities. Writing Assignment Design and Evaluation. Issues in Sharing Responsibilities for Writing Assignment Evaluation. COMPOSITION, LEARNING, AND WRITING PERFORMANCE. Writing’s Perceived Role in Student Learning. Factors of Writing Performance in Learning Communities. CLARITY IN CONTEXT. Curiosity and Conversations. Conditions for Curricular Change. Program and Pedagogical Implications. Implications for Composition Pedagogy in Learning Communities. Implications for Community Learning Programs. Contextual Composition in Learning Communities. Areas of Future Research. Appendix. Bibliography. Author Index. Subject Index.

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