Writing Assessment in the 21st Century: Essays in Honor of Edward M. White |
|  | Quantity in Basket:none Code: 978-1-61289-087-6
Title: Writing Assessment in the 21st Century
Sub-title: Essays in Honor of Edward M. White
Editor(s): Norbert Elliot and Les Perelman
Publish Date: March 2012
Pages: 530
Format: Paper
| Is there anyone involved in writing assessment who has not ready Teaching and Assessing Writing: Understanding, Evaluating, and Improving Student Performance? For over forty years, Edward M. White, author of that volume and other seminal works in instruction and evaluation, has led debates about accountability by focusing on student learning. In this edited collection, thirty five leaders in assessment pay tribute to Professor White by documenting the landscape, strategies, consequence, and future of the field. Readers will find in these chapters the beginning of a new phase in writing assessment, one informed by an appreciation of complexity and a devotion to fairness that marked the career of the scholar honored in these pages.
Contents: Acknowledgements. Introduction: In Context: The Contributions of Edward M. White to the Assessment of Writing Ability, Norbert Elliot and Les Perelman. PART I: THE LANDSCAPE OF CONTEMPORARY WRITING ASSESSMENT. Introduction: Tradition and the Rise of Localism. A Closer Look at the Harvard Entrance Examinations in the 1870s, John Brereton. Assessment in a Culture of Inquiry: The Story of the National Writing Project’s Analytic Writing Continuum, Sherry Seale Swain and Paul LeMahieu. Writing Assessment in the Context of the National Assessment of Education Progress, Hilary Persky. Rethinking K-12 Writing Assessment, Paul Deane. The WPA Outcomes, Information Literacy, and the Challenges of Outcomes-Based Curricular Design, Barry Maid and Barbara D’Angelo. “Does it Work?” The Question(s) of Assessment in Technical and Professional Communication, Margaret Hundlby. Writing Assessment for Admission to Graduate and Professional Programs: Lessons Learned and a Note for the Future, Mary Fowles. PART II: STRATEGIES IN CONTEMPORARY WRITING ASSESSMENT. Introduction: Bridging the Two Cultures. Setting Sail with Ed White: The Possibilities of Assessment and Instruction within College Writing Assessment, Diane Kelly-Riley. Assessment and Curriculum in Dialogue, Irvin Peckham. What Good Is It?: The Effects of Teacher Response on Students’ Development, Chris Anson. Fostering Best Practices in Writing Assessment and Instruction with E-rater®, Jill Burstein. Writing to a Machine is Not Writing At All, Anne Herrington and Charles Moran. The Future of Portfolio-Based Writing Assessment: A Cautionary Tale, William Condon. Complicating the Fail-or-Succeed Dichotomy in Writing Assessment Outcomes, Jon A. Leydens and Barbara M. Olds. Mapping a Dialectic with Edward M. White (in Four Scenes), Robert Broad. The Given-New Contract: Toward a Metalanguage for Assessing Composition, Lee Odell. PART III: CONSEQUENCE IN CONTEMPORARY WRITING ASSESSMENT. Introduction: Impact as Arbiter. Good Enough Evaluation: When is it Feasible and When is Evaluation Not Worth Having?, Peter Elbow. Fundamental Challenges in Developing and Scoring Constructed-Response Assessments, Doug Baldwin. Racial Formations in Two Writing Assessments: Revisiting White and Thomas’ Findings on the English Placement Test After 30 Years, Asao B. Inoue and Mya Poe. The Private and the Public in Directed Self-Placement, Daniel J. Royer and Roger Gilles. Assessing Generation 1.5 Learners: The Revelations of Directed Self-Placement, Gita DasBender. Linking Writing and Speaking in Assessing English as a Second Language Proficiency, Liz Hamp-Lyons. PART IV: TOWARD A VALID FUTURE: THE USES AND MISUSES OF WRITING ASSESSMENT. Introduction: Measurement in a Contingent World. Fighting Number with Number, Richard H. Haswell. Mass-Market Writing Assessments as Bullshit, Les Perelman. How Does Writing Assessment Frame College Writing Programs, Peggy O’Neill. Changing the Language of Assessment: Lessons from Feminism, Cindy Moore. The Rhetorical Situation of Writing Assessment: Exigence, Location, and the Making of Knowledge, Kathleen Blake Yancey. AFTERWORD. Afterword, Edward M. White. Author Profile. Index.
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