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Divergent Thinking and Creative Potential

Divergent Thinking and Creative PotentialQuantity in Basket:none
Code: 978-1-61289-078-4

Title: Divergent Thinking and Creative Potential
Editor(s): Mark A. Runco
Publish Date: January 2013
Pages: 440
Format: Cloth
Divergent thinking tests are given more often than any other test of creativity .They are not actually tests of creativity per se but are instead assessments of creative potential. They are based on sound scientific theory and have been improved many times over the years.

This volume describes the theory supporting the use of divergent thinking tests. It also presents specific research findings. It describes what has been discovered about divergent thinking in the past 10 years. Unlike other volumes, it focuses on divergent thinking rather than attempting to cover all of creativity assessment. It gives the specifics of research so the validity of the claims can be easily determined.

Each chapter is based on a specific research project so each stands alone. A large number of topics are covered, including the impact of experience, the role of time in creative thinking, differences among various tests of divergent thinking, the use of new scoring methods, and the relationship of divergent thinking with other facets of the creative process.

Contents: Preface. PART 1: ASSESSMENT OF DIVERGENT THINKING. Measuring Divergent Thinking with Ideational Pools. Divergent Thinking for Originality and Appropriateness. Time-on-Task, Intrinsic Motivation, and Divergent Thinking. Actual Ideational Behavior. Experience, Knowledge, and Divergent Thinking. Divergent Thinking and Problem Generation. PART 2: DEVELOPMENT, FAMILY AND DIVERGENT THINKING. Divergent Thinking and the Social Environment. Divergent Thinking and Parental Personality. Divergent Thinking, Birth Order, and Age Interval. Creative Potential Within Families of Alcoholics. PART 3: JUDGMENT, EVALUATIVE THINKING, AND DIVERGENT THINKING. Accuracy of Judgments of Originality on Three Divergent Thinking Tests. Children’s Judgments. Developmental Trends in Children’s Judgments. Judgments of Parents and Teachers. Inter- and Intrapersonal Judgments by College Students. Idea Evaluation and Creative Attitudes of Managers. PART 4: ENHANCEMENT OF DIVERGENT THINKING. Realistic Divergent Thinking and Problem Finding and Appropriateness, Explicit Instructions for Creativity, Originality, and Appropriateness. Tactics and Criteria in Explicit Instructions for Divergent Thinking. Divergent Thinking and Training in Organizations. PART 5: HEALTH, CREATIVITY, AND DIVERGENT THINKING. Suicide and Divergent Thinking Ideation. Stress, Hassles, and Divergent Thinking. Divergent Thinking and Insomnia. PART 6: CONCLUSIONS. Assumptions of Divergent Thinking. Appendix. Author Index. Subject Index.

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