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On Complexity (Edgar Morin)

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Code: 978-1-57273-801-0

Title: On Complexity
Author(s): Edgar Morin
Publish Date: July 2008
Format: Paper
This volume contains some key essays by French thinker Edgar Morin on the subject of complexity, and specifically on what Morin calls complex thought.

Contents: Foreword: Edgar Morin’s Path of Complexity, Alfonso Montuori. BLIND INTELLIGENCE. Becoming Aware. The Pathology of Knowing, Blind Intelligence. The Need for Complex Thought. COMPLEX PATTERN AND DESIGN. Indo-America. Systems Theory. Open Systems. Information/Organization. Organization. Self-organization. Complexity. Subject and Object. Coherence and Epistemological Opening. Scienza Nuova. For a Unity of Science. Integration of the Realities Banished by Classical Science. Beyond Classical Either/Or Alternatives. The Paradigmatic Turning Point. THE PARADIGM OF COMPLEXITY. The Paradigm of Simplicity. Order and Disorder in the Universe. Self-organization. Autonomy. Complexity and completeness. Reason, rationality and rationalization. The Necessity of Macro-concepts. Three Principles. Toward Complexity. COMPLEXITY AND ACTION. Action Is Also a Wager. Action Escapes our Intentions. The Non-trivial Machine. Preparing for the Unexpected. COMPLEXITY AND THE ENTERPRISE. Three Causalities. From Self-organization to Self-eco-organization. To Live and Make a Deal with Disorder. Strategy, Program, and Organization. Complementary and Antagonistic Relations. The Necessity for a Lived Solidarity. ON THE NOTION OF THE SUBJECT, translated by Sean M. Kelly. THE EPISTEMOLOGY OF COMPLEXITY, translated by Sean M. Kelly. Appendix 1: The Concept of System, translated by Sean M. Kelly. Appendix 2: A New Science of Autonomy. Notes. Author Index

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