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Communication Activism: Vol. 3: Struggling for Social Justice Amidst Difference (Frey, Carragee)

Communication Activism: Vol. 3: Struggling for Social Justice Amidst Difference (Frey, Carragee)Quantity in Basket:none
Code: 1-61289-062-3

Title: Communication Activism
Sub-title: Vol. 3: Struggling for Social Justice Amidst Difference
Editor(s): Lawrence R. Frey and Kevin M. Carragee, Suffolk University
Publish Date: October 2011
Pages: 478
Category: Cloth
Extending the scholarship presented in the first two volumes of Communication Activism, the studies in this volume offer further rich examples of communication scholars using their theories, methods, pedagogies, and other practices with those who are marginalized and oppressed to promote social justice. Going beyond traditional research that describes, interprets, sometimes critiques, and occasionally offers recommendations, these scholars studied communication interventions that they conducted to do something. In addition to many other lessons learned that are discussed, the authors reflect on how they and their community partners struggled in these activist endeavors to promote social justice amidst important differences between researchers and community members, between researchers and activists, and among community members. This exemplary set of studies demonstrates how communication activism for social justice scholarship transforms researchers from being spectators who stand outside the stream of human activity to scholar-activists who actively work with diverse groups to confront the significant social justice issues characterizing contemporary life.

Contents: Introduction: Communication Activism for Social Justice Scholarship, Kevin M. Carragee and Lawrence R. Frey. Opening Communication Pathways in Protracted Conflict: From Tragedy to Dialogue in Cyprus, Benjamin J. Broome, Harry Anastasiou, Maria Hadjipavlou, and Bülent Kanol. Negotiating Dialectical Tensions in Communication Activism: A Decade of Working in the Countertrafficking Field, Christopher Carey. Staging Sudanese Refugee Narratives and the Legacy of Genocide: A Performance-Based Intervention Strategy, Linda Welker. Challenging Domestic Violence: Trickle-up Theorizing about Participation and Power in Communication Activism, Charlotte Ryan and Karen Jeffreys. Food Fights: Reclaiming Public Relations and Reframing a Runaway Food System Through a Grassroots Movement, Jeanette L. Drake. Saving Kenneth Foster: Speaking With Others in the Belly of the Beast of Capital Punishment, Jennifer Asenas, Bryan McCann, Kathleen Feyh, and Dana Cloud. Disrupting Whiteness at a Fire House: Promoting Organizational Change Through Relational Praxis, Christopher R. Groscurth. Activating Ethical Engagement in Organizations: Negotiating Ethical Tensions and Practices in a Business Ethics Initiative, Steve May. Organizing for Social Change: Communicative Empowerment for Small Business Development and Job Training for People Who are Poor, Michael J. Papa, Wendy Papa, and Rick A. Buerkel. Using Participatory Research to Address Substance Use in an American Indian Community, Lorenda Belone, John G. Oetzel, Nina Wallerstein, Greg Tafoya, Rebecca Rae, Alvin Rafelito, Lula Kelhoyouma, Ira Burbank, Carolyn Finster, Jennifer Henio-Charley, Phoebe G. Maria, Yin-Mae Lee, and Anderson Thomas. About the Contributors. Index.

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