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Antipolitics in Power: Populist Language as a Tool for Government (Donatella Campus)

Antipolitics in Power: Populist Language as a Tool for Government (Donatella Campus)Quantity in Basket:none
Code: 1-57273-982-6

Title: Antipolitics in Power
Sub-title: Populist Language as a Tool for Government
Author(s): Donatella Campus
Publish Date: July 2010
Pages: 198
Format: Paper
At its core, the language of antipolitics consists of the criticism and the attack to the establishment and the ruling elites because they are incompetent, manipulative and serving only their self-interests. The book analyzes the case of some leaders, quite different in terms of character, personal history, cultural references, ideology and national context, who have in common the use of language of antipolitics in power. de Gaulle, Reagan and Berlusconi belong to that small minority of populist leaders who managed to build sufficient popular consensus to hold the highest executive offices. Moreover they have in common that they pioneered in the use of television as a means of establishing a direct and personal relationship with the people. Through the illustration and analysis of such individual cases, the book offers new insights on how mass media continue to serve as instruments of antipolitical leadership in government and why citizens seem to receive these pressures favorably, so much that in modern democracy the personal link between a political leader and the people appears more and more important.

Contents: Preface to the American Edition. INTRODUCTION. The Language of Antipolitics. De Gaulle, Reagan, and Berlusconi: The Reasons for the Comparison. The Structure of the Book. LEADERSHIP AND ANTIPOLITICS. Antipolitics as the Language of Difference. Antipolitics in Power. Television as Instrument of Antipolitical Leadership. THE HERO-PRESIDENT: CHARLES DE GAULLE. Against the Regime of the Parties. The President of All Women and Men of France. State Television. THE RHETORICAL PRESIDENT: RONALD REAGAN. “Government Is Not the Solution, Government Is the Problem”. The Citizen President.Television for Government. THE BUSINESSMAN PRESIDENT: SILVIO BERLUSCONI. Taking the Field. Berlusconi’s Leadership. Television Between Elections and Government. THREE LEADERS, THREE VERSIONS, THREE VISIONS, ONE LANGUAGE. The Outsider-Leader. The Leader of the People, from the People, for the People. Television as Podium, Television as Pulpit. Antipolitics as Challenge and Renewal. Conclusion. Notes. References. Author Index. Subject Index.

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