Webbing Cyberfeminist Practice: Communities, Pedagogies, and Social Action (Kristine Blair, Radhika |
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Title: Webbing Cyberfeminist Practice
Sub-title: Communities, Pedagogies, and Social Action
Editor(s): Kristine Blair, Radhika Gajjalaand, Christine Tulley
Publish Date: July 2008
Pages: 364
Format: Cloth
| This is the first book collection to devote itself exclusively to issues related to women’s lives in a culture of technology. As such, it is a key addition to feminist new media scholarship in computers and composition. The book holds special appeal as the editors have put into conversation chapters of authors from diverse disciplines. The value that is placed on cross-disciplinary work is further demonstrated in the mix of theoretical, pedagogical, and rhetorical research that enriches the book in its entirety.
To explore the variety of cyberfeminist webs, the collection has been organized around three themes. Chapters in “Forming Virtual Kinships” examine cyberfeminist practices that do not neatly operate in standard academic communities such as classrooms or cultural centers, instead foregrounding the extent to which female communities evolve around aspects of women’s daily lives as mothers, consumers, and workers. Chapters in “Redrawing Academic Boundaries” offer a glimpse of practice within more defined pedagogical spaces, providing a sense of the ways in which classroom and community network boundaries are often blurred and disrupted. Last, the text moves to explore how cyberfeminist webs both on the beyond the borders of standard spaces are developed using a variety of theoretical standpoints.
Contents: Foreword: Gail Hawisher. Introduction: The Webs We Weave: Locating the Feminism in Cyberfeminism, Kristine Blair, Radhika Gajjala, and Christine Tulley. FORMING VIRTUAL KINSHIPS. “Yo! Wanna be part of our crew?” Addressing Girls as Online Consumers, Susana Paasonen. Angel Babies: Women’s Webs of Loss and Transformation, Kris Nesbitt. Wired Wombs: A Rhetorical Analysis of Online Fertility Support Communities, Angela Haas. Who’s Really a CyberFeminist? Women Write Back: The Rhetoric of Pro-Ana Websites, Christa Downer, Morgan Gresham, Roxanne Kirkwood, and Sandi Reynolds. Permeable Boundaries: ReadingWomen Negotiate New Faculty Positions, Christine Tulley. Response Statement: Toward Understanding the Libratory Potential of Elective Affinities Online, Nancy Baym. REDRAWING ACADEMIC BORDERS. Masters of the House: Literacy and the Claiming of Space on the Internet, Claudia Herbst. “Tell It Like It Is”: Female Students Speak Out on Computers and Writing, Susan Kirtley. Is N E 1 There? Designing and Building Community Within/Across Classrooms and Institutions, Melissa Fore, Kara Moloney, and Margaret Strain. Women’s Studies 101: Online Feminism in Action, Kathleen Torrens and Jeannette Riley. Cyberfeminist Rhetorics: Composing Identities as Digital Rhetoric, Mary Hocks. Response Statement: Paying Attention to Digital Media: Three Feminist Corollaries, Cynthia Selfe. RESISTING GENDER HIERARCHIES. Consuming the Stranger: Technologies of Rhetorical Action in Transnational Feminist Encounters, Mary Queen. Sehakia’s Voices: Realigning the Zone of the Speakable in Cyberspace, Naida Zukic. e-Criture Feminine: Women’s Online Diaries and the New Female Discourse, Deborah Silverman Bowen. We Have Brains: Reciprocity and Resistance in a Feminist Blog Community, Jordynn Jack. Formidable Females: Pink-collar Workplaces, Computers, and Cultures of Resistance, Danielle Nicole DeVoss. Response Statement: ‘Resisting’ the Utopic/Dystopic Binary, Tara McPherson. Afterword: Cheris Kramarae. Author Index. Subject Index. |
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