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Children and Media in Times of War and Conflict (Dafna Lemish, Maya Gotz)

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Code: 1-57273-749-2

Title: Children and Media in Times of War and Conflict
Editor(s): Dafna Lemish and Maya Gotz
Publish Date: May 2007
Pages: 384
Format: Paper
This collection explores the role the media have in children's lives at times of conflict and war. In an increasingly global world, even crises and catastrophes that take place in countries thousands of miles away become part of children's daily lives through media exposure.

The 15 chapters offer for the first time a unique and diverse picture of the most current academic work in this area. Among the key questions addressed are: How to media influence children's knowledge and understanding of crucial existential events? What effects do coverage of war and conflict have on their well-being? What roles do producers of media for children take upon themselves at such times? The editors provide both an integrative introduction and a critical summary of the book.

Contents: Introduction: Why Study Children and Media at Times of Conflict and War, Dafna Lemish, Maya Gotz and Cynthia Carter. CHILDREN'S PERCEPTIONS OF WAR AND CONFLICT: KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES, AND EMOTIONS. "I Know That it is Bush's Fault": How Children in Germany Perceived the War in Iraq, Maya Gotz. U.S. Children Negotiating the Protective Silence of Parents and Teachers on the War in Iraq, Ellen Seiter. "This is Our War": Israeli Children Domesticating the War in Iraq, Dafna Lemish. Dutch Children's Emotional Reactions to News About the War in Iraq: Influence of Media Exposure, Identification, and Empathy, Juliette H. Walma ver der Molen and Elly A. Konijn. Children's Writings on the Internet About the War in Iraq: A Comparison of Dutch and German Submissions to Guestbooks on Children's TV News Programs, Peter Nikken and Maya Gotz. Talking About My Generation: A Critical Examination of Children's BBC Newsround Web Site Discussions About War, Conflict, and Terrorism, Cynthia Carter. PRODUCING TV FOR CHILDREN AT A TIME OF WAR. How TV Producers Dealt with the War in Iraq in Their Children's Programs, Petra Strohmaier. "What Good Came of it At Last?" Ethos, Style, and Sense of Audience in the Reporting of War by Children's News Programs, Maire Messenger Davies. "Operation Iraqi Freedom" in the Children's News: A Comparison of Consolation Strategies Used by Dutch and German News Producers, Peter Nikken and Juliette Walma van der Molen. Israeli Children's Television Going to War with Iraq, Dafna Lemish. Developing Children's Understanding of Conflict Resolution through Quality Television, Peter Lemish. EFFORTS OF COPING AND INTERVENTION. U.S. Children in the Iraq War News Coverage: Reflections of the Status Quo? Megan Pincus Kajitani. TV News and Coping: Parents' Use of Strategies for Reducing Children's News-Induced Fears, Emily Moyer-Guse and Stacy L. Smith. Social Judgments in Israeli and Arabic Children: Findings from Media-Based Intervention Projects, Alaine Brenick, Jennie Lee-Kim. Melanie Killen. Nathan A. Fox, Amiram Raviv, and Lewis Leavitt. "As Though There is Peace": Opinions of Jewish-Israeli Children About Watching: Rechov Sumsum/Shara'a Simsim Amid Armed Political Conflict, Yael Warshel. Toward Better Use of Media for Children at Times of Conflict and War: Concluding Notes, Dafna Lemish and Maya Gotz. Author Index. Subject Index.

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